With an average of around 1800 hours of sunshine per year, Rügen is the front-runner in Germany and is considered the most sought-after sun destination in the country. We use this important energy resource for our brewery. Since 2017, we have had a solar installation on the brewery roof and since May 2023, the second half of the roof has also been equipped with solar. We generate about 1/4 of our total electricity needs with 110,000kwh/year with it.
The planning of our own wind turbine is in full swing. The wind turbine is to be 50 metres high. The goal is 100% self-sufficiency for the brewery.
We support the development of the „OstSeeTiere“ sighting app by the Deutschen Meeresmuseums Stralsund. With the free OstSeeTiere app, everyone can personally contribute to the protection of the endangered whales with their smartphone. Beach walkers or water sports enthusiasts can report sightings of whales, seals or harbour seals directly to the museum's scientists. The data provide important information about the population and habitat of the endangered marine mammals. In addition to the GPS data of the location, there is also the option of uploading photos or identifying the species.
Together with our partner WWF we are committed to securing the habitat of the white-tailed eagle on the island of Rügen.
Rügen is our home and our inspiration. The island's unique nature and biodiversity are a gift, but also a great obligation for all of us to preserve it.
The white-tailed eagle on Rügen is the "king of the skies" also lives dangerously on Rügen. Forestry, hunting and tourists who move carelessly in the forest areas threaten the animals' habitat or disturb them when they are rearing their young.
However, with the help of conservationists like the WWF, it has been possible over the last 20 years to increase the population back to about 750 breeding pairs, about 350 of which live in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
With its commitment to the white-tailed eagle on Rügen, the island brewery not only wants to support the work of the WWF, but also to set an example and increase the sensitivity of Rügen residents and island visitors to the protection of these unique birds.