Hiddenseer beers are made with floor-malted barley, natural hops, open fermentation in the sea air and bottle conditioning. The beers taste refreshingly drinkable - a flavour as if time had stood still. This is exactly the character of the small island of Hiddensee in our municipality of West Rügen - unspoilt and a place of longing for artists and those seeking refreshment for more than 100 years.

The highly dissolved floor-malted barley ensures a clearly distinguishable, drinkable flavour and a creamy head.

The fine natural hops blend elegantly and discreetly into the drink.

The open fermentation in sea air without hydrostatic pressure leads to a strong esterification of the beers and ensures a very rounded full flavour.

The bottle conditioning with very fine-pearled fermentation carbon dioxide offers self-protection and long-lasting freshness.