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Markus & the Insel-Brauerei

I discovered my passion for beer when I was a teenager. A brewery tour in Saarland fascinated me so much that I trained as a brewer and studied brewing in Weihenstephan in Bavaria. It was 1996 when I moved to the north-east and worked for many years as managing director at Störtebeker Braumanufaktur in Stralsund. Rügen became my home and was also to become the location for my own brewery with rare beers.

The idea of a unique brewery

In 2015, I opened the Insel-Brauerei. The idea for a unique brewery had been simmering for a few months before. I met Andries and Frans de Groen while drinking beer. I let them become part of my thoughts. Both were enthusiastic and we became partners. So I realised my idea with two very experienced and great brewmasters from Belgium as well as the USA. The intention was to combine the best of the three great beer countries. The production costs should not determine the technology and raw materials, but only the best for the ideal taste value - no matter how elaborate it might be. We spent many days sitting together, thinking, creating and trying our hand at more than 100 brewing experiments or rebuilding machines based on historical models. We simply got started.

Rare Beer & Classic Beer with bottle conditioning

I define my goal as achieving the highest enjoyment value for beer. I can say with a clear conscience that our beers are truly unique. The rare beers in the wrapped bottle are as enjoyable as wine. Our classic beer styles taste refreshingly palatable and are named after the small, unspoilt island of Hiddensee in our municipality of West Rügen. All our beers are brewed with special malts, natural hops, open fermentation in the sea air and bottle maturation in the island brewery in Rambin on the island of Rügen. Inspired by the wonderful natural surroundings, brewed by hand with the passion of our brewers and master brewers. The bottle maturation guarantees a particularly long-lasting freshness, a fine sparkling carbon dioxide and a firm head. We are very happy to have created a fine little beer category of our own.

We are the Insel-Brauerei